Sunday, November 15, 2020

성은 언니에게

 Hallo 성은언니

2013년 때 캠프때 만든 블로그를 언니 덕에 오랜만에 와서 쓰게 됬네용

아티스트 박 에게

허헣 qr 코드로 뭘 추출 (?)해 낼까 하다가 이 블로그에 언니한테 정성스런 편지 남기는 것도 괜찮을 것 같단 생각이 들어서 올리게 됬습니다. 이거 아마 구글에 치면 나오는 거라 아마도? 언니 생일 지나고 며칠 뒤에 삭제될 겁니다 (언니가 원하시단면 남겨둘께용 알려주세용) 근데 일단 언니한테 private Inforrmation이니까용 허허헣 (지식인에 할려다가 그건 위험할 수도 있어서 외국계 사이트를 이용해봅니다하)

헤헴 본론으로 들어가서 언니...작문때 항상 좋은 글들을 공유해 주시고 시끄럽게 난리치는 저를 이해해 주셔서 감사합니다. 글구 저와 언니의 만남 속에 언니 생일이 껴있어서 ㅎ호호 생일파뤼 할 수 있게 해주셔서 감사해여 진짜 덕분에 준비하는 거 진짜 재밌었어요 아직 끝나진 않았지만요 (아마 내일 밤샘 작업ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) (파티플래너의 praktikum #4)

좋은 인연이기에 언니 포함 중작팸과 부산여행도 계획중인데 사실 와글와글 가는 이런 여행은 첫번째는 아니고 두번째라 무척 설레네요 호홓 아암튼 독일어로 슬그머니 얘기해보자면

Insgesamt: Ich wünsche dir 12 Monate Glück, 52 Wochen Zufriedenheit, 365 Tage voller Liebe, 8.760 Stunden ohne Stress, 525.600 Minuten Frohsinn und 31.536.000 Sekunden mit deinen Liebsten. 

Kurz gesagt: ein unvergleichbares Jahr! 

(인터넷에 저보다 더 글솜씨가 좋으신 분들이 이런 문구도 만들어놨길래 코피어런 해봤어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

오리 올림

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Argumentative essay

Did you ever know that senior citizens in Korea can ride the subway without paying money? A few years ago, the Korean government made a free rides system for elders. The system is about how senior citizens who are over 65 can take the subway for free. However, this system has been causing problems in Korea. So, free rides for senior citizens on the subway should be banned. Here are two reasons.

First, a huge amount of money is lost because of this system. The cumulative losses at subways due to elderly passengers riding for free over the past five years has reached 1.6 trillion won ($1.45 billion) for Seoul Metro and other subway operators across the nation. According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Wednesday, the amount of fares exempted for senior citizens at seven subway operators in Seoul and other metropolitan cities reached 343 billion won in 2010, compared with 337.3 billion won in 2009. The lost revenue at Seoul Metro, the operator of the subway line Nos. 1-4, reached 139 billion won, while Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit, which manages the subway line Nos. 5-8, suffered an 84 billion won loss.  As those problems were occured, especially in winter and summer, when air conditioners or heaters have to be turned on, more senior citizens over 65 come to subway. They prefer to be in the subway, as  it's colder and warmer inside it. "Many homeless, old people to take a subway and spend their whole day in it" is happening a  lot in these days.

The second reason why free rides system should be banned is because there are conflicts between elders and 20~40 years old people. In Korea, usually elders get annuity each month or have formal jobs in their own. In the other hand, 20~40 years old people don't get any annuity(only few people like 1% got annuity), don't have formal jobs, usually irregular jobs and have lots of disbursement for their own family and education. '2040s' are thinking they are having great disadvantage in transportation, too. I agreed with their opinion. As Korea is becoming a welfare state, '2040s' get to pay more taxes to government. Simplifying the situation, it is unfair. '2040s' pay more money and they aren't having advantage from that.

Some might say, '2040s' will soon the get advantage because they become the senior citizens. It's true. But we should think about 'now'. If '2040s' can't stay any longer from the pressure of money and displeasure of this system, they can't live until they became 65 years old. It's a long way to become 65 years old for '2040s'. We can't even be sure if all of '2040s' would get services as the '5060s' of nowadays. One of the problem in Korea is that elders are becoming a larger population than new born babies. About 12.6 percent of subway passengers on lines operated by Seoul Metro were senior citizens, while those aged over 65 accounted for 13.5 percent of subway users on Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit lines. It's making Korea turn into an 'elders land' as it called. '2040s' should not  pay too much taxes  just for free senior citizens.

Elders are old people. Old people have been Korea's citizens. Korea citizens have been paying taxes and worked a lot for their country. I quite agree that this is a syatem and time for elders to have profit for their hard work. Still, not all of the elders have rights of having profits. And there are '2040s' who has been working harder and be diligent more than elders. Let's take an example of poor. Poor doesn't pay taxes. Poor became over than 65 years old and get the profit of free rides. That's the problem. Our society can not just give profits to elders just the reason of elder-respect. Not whole elders have a perfect circumstances for this system.

In conclusion, I disagree that the Korean government should let senior citizens ride the subway for free. It caused money loss that could be used in other ways. It also caused conflicts between .2040s' and '5060s'. '2040s' are as important as '5060s'. '5060s' are already getting cheaper bus rides, and giving them yet another advantage would make the problem worse.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Natalia was ready. She poured the Maxim coffee powder into the cup. She heard the footsteps of her math teacher. She started to sweat. She kept sweating. She shook the cup. There. She saw a bunch of tiny, white sweet rocks in the cup. It was tasty. She pulled out all of the white things. She pulled out the last tiny thing. Then, she heard a bell rang. Now, her trick will be tested. She poured the hot water over the cup. She gave it to her teacher, Annie Medlock. Annie drank that. Annie's face became white. Coffee was bitter.

My response essay

Putting down the crown means many things in the stories of books and movies; it is a symbolism. The movie "Brave" also contained that scene. Let me give you a summary of the movie “Brave”. It’s about princess Merida who wants to change her fate. She couldn’t be an archer and had to be married with a prince she didn’t know. So after, she fought with her mom Elinor the queen, she went to a witch’s house and turned her mother into a bear. (changing the fate=mom turning to bear) In the end, Merida regretted her choice and reversed the spell.

The scene of putting down the crown happened when Queen Elinor, as a bear, went to the lake to eat fish. The first meaning is Queen Elinor respected the crown. Crowns are made of gold, and who wants to leave them in the water? This scene means Elinor really cares about the crown and is able to show respect to it. Crowns often symbolize the place of the king and the queen. We can say “Queen Elinor respects the place of the queen. But we can’t be sure about Queen Elinor looking the crown
in it’s price and value.

The next possible meaning I recognized is that the scene could mean “The queen stopped doing traditional behavior.” Queens never do their own dishes. Queens also do not eat food with her hands. But Queen Elinor was a bear and she had no ladies to serve her. What could she do? She just had to abandon traditional behavior. ‘Putting down the crown’ means putting down the old and difficult traditional behavior. Not in this case, but putting down the crown also mean disappointments to the country in some movies, too.

Last of all, the scene might mean Elinor is learned. Elinor became a bear, nobody except Merida recognized her. Without her authority in human form, the only way to fill her stomach was to catch fish by herself.
She learned that the crown became useless for her life. It was just a gold object and didn’t make her food or a house. She thought her crown makes her a queen which is the reason why people served her. However it wasn’t. The thing that makes her a queen was her personality and generosity. Though her adventure, she actually learned something that couldn’t be learned in the palace!

In conclusion, I want to say that “Brave” many symbolisms. If I focused on the movie mores carefully, I might have found the many other symbolisms, since I just looked at the scene about putting down the crown and could guess 3 meanings! One that means Queen Elinor is showing the respects to the crown, second that means she buried her traditional behavior and finally, the other shows that Queen Elinor is learned.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Diamante Poem

Shih Tzu (NOT PANG)
young playful
jumping crying running
  Sereto Yoka butterfly Angela
eating wagging typing
smart old 


My ode to Ori

Dear Ori,

I think it is my first time writing a letter to you. Anyway, I want to say how thankful I am to you in many ways. Whenever I came to you for counseling about my troubles, you appeared to be smiling like a statue. I saw great heaven behind you at that time. Because you usually brought your friend smiley, I could easily erase my happiness and be friends with smiley.

Now and past, you have been through lots of problems fighting with the ugly monster who is also my younger brother, Bill. Every time you met Bill face to face, you keep your sense of security in your mind. The smile on your face made Bill annoyed which caused him to lose his temper. How I felt how smart you are! You have courage to fight with Bill!

Do you remember the day when your friend, Bboong-Bboong-e became friends with Bill? Of course, you remember. Still, you always showed your lovely-happy smile to Bboong-Bboong-e . You're so kind, honey! Even though Bboong-Bboong-e had gone away because of Bill, you didn't hate Bill. You treat him as mom treats her child. Your generosity is like sun shine over the beach as everybody likes you.

My friend, Ori you have been my best friend in my life. There was a time when I was too shy in GLPS. So, you hid yourself in the box and came to me 2 days later. You're always a girl who thinks about your friend especially me. There was a time when I fought with my mom. So, you opened your heart and heard every word I said. I believe, Ori, you're one of the best listeners, smiler I have ever met.

                                                                                 Your dearest friend,
                                                                                                                                              Yoka/Yuan/Yewon/Yivonne Kim

Monday, January 7, 2013

My goals

Goal 1 : Wear dream lenses everyday to help my eyesight.
Step 1 : Every morning, I write "lense" in my note to make sure that I remember.
Step 2 : Stop wearing glasses.(If I wear glasses again, I might think " I don't need lense."
Step 3 : Try to make my eyes clean.

Goal 2 : Read at least 1 bible phrase each day.
Step 1 : Put the bible next to my bed.
Step 2 : Keep telling myself, " Bible is a fun book" (indoctrination)
Step 3 : Pray to the god.

Goal 3 : Sit up straight, try not to slouch.
Step 1 : Always put my stomach against the front of the desk.
Step 2 : Stretch up my back.
Step 3 : Don't sleep on the desk.